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Dear patients, welcome to the homepage of our practice for gynaecology and obstetrics.
This website introduces our range of treatments and the practice organization.

A central focus of our practice is the prenatal diagnosis as defined by DEGUM II.
Due to my specialization, high-risk pregnancies such as multi-fetal pregnancies or even children with malformations are safely cared for.
My excellent networking with leading colleagues and centres, short ways to optimal care are available to you.
A personal concern for me is that you are well informed about your options. Only in this way can we find the optimal path through pregnancy for you.

Of course, you may also like to come to us if you are not pregnant. Through my many years of clinical outpatient and oncological work, I can provide you with optimal care for all gynaecological issues.

For more information about the examinations and the online appointment procedure please use our Service

We look forward to you,

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Dr Kentenich


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